拓鼎电子科技有限公司(ExTripod Electronics Technology Limited)成立于2011年,是一家专注于提供全球先进的半导体封装设备和材料的集成解决方案供应商。中国运营总部设立于全国最大的纳米技术应用综合社区-苏州工业园区纳米城,并在深圳,重庆,西安设立分支机构。
ExTripod Electronics Technology Limited was founded in the year 2011 and  focus on providing Integrated Solution with worldwide advanced equipment and material for Semiconductor Packaging. China Operation Headquarter is located in Suzhou Industrial Park Nano Centre, and wither branch office located in Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Xi'an.

       公司以“为中国市场的客户提供满意的综合性解决方案”为使命,始终专注于先进封装,功率半导体,和光电半导体。为OSAT,IDM,  Fabless等客户提供系统集成,机器定制,工艺和应用支持。 公司技术即服务实力雄厚,主要成员具备专业的技术背景,丰富的行业经验以及较高的业内人员认可和知名度。
Company's mission is " To Provide Integrated Solution for China Market", and keep on focus on marketing include Advanced Packaging, Power Semicon and Opto/LED.  We provide system integration, automation, digitalization process & application support to customer include OSAT, IDM and Fabless and Institute. All the key members have strong technical background with wide experience, and high acknowledged by the industry.

       拓鼎电子科技秉承“卓越,集成,专业”的企业理念, 始终与客户和合作伙伴站在一起,赢取市场并且真诚立足于市场。
ExTripod Electronics Technology philosophy is "Excellence,  Integration,  Professional " we always stand together with customer and business partner, win the market and take hold in the market.




Service Commitment


Hotline:+86 512 68567073


Address:Room 427-428, 4 / F, Building 20, Northwest District, Nami Cheng, No. 99 Jinjihu Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province China

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